
October, 2021

16 17 21

10/16/21 - Title: "Friendly Lions"

Scene One - I am in a big house, and apparently there is a family gathering. Horace is there, and so is Leila. They are being unusually friendly. It is their house. It has a large kitchen. When I see Horace, it seems there is a big bag of supplies, possibly groceries. The bag is red and of some type of durable material. It is long rather than high, more like modern air travel luggage than a usual grocery bag. I ask Horace if there's any beer, and he goes to look in the long red bag. I offer to pay for any items I consume. Don't recall if he accepts payment or finds any beer for me there.

Scene Two - It is day. I am in a large square (at least a mile on each side, it seems) that is devoted to an open ("free range") zoo. I move about freely here, as do others and the animals. A number of female lions are encountered. At one time I see a pride of them sleeping together, but in each of these encounters it is just me and a single adult female lion. Sometimes other people are in the background but they are not involved, except at times with fear or amazement at the way the lions relate to me. It is as though I am a lion whisperer. The female lions show no fear or aggression. Instead, each wants and receives my friendly petting and to be vigorously scratched, especially on the upper chest, for which they each roll over onto the back.

[In both dream scenes there is unexpected friendliness from or with people or animals from whom it usually would not be anticipated. Horace represents an often not acknowledged shadow part of me that can be rather standoffish or even enjoys being a "bad boy" yet can on occasion show a charming side of himself. The more normal relationship I might have with lions, male or female, would be to show them a lot of respect and be quite cautious in their vicinity. They are powerful animals and could easily kill or injure. In this case, the female lions might be strong, powerful, impulsive, easily moved to violence parts of myself which here, uncharacteristically, are instead seeking and receiving affection. As with sharing a beer with a sometimes abrasive shadow brother, perhaps there is a bond being created or cultivated with less expressed inner aspects of myself, both male and female.

I think the big red bag or luggage in which there are supplies, including possibly beer, could be about baggage still carried through the years, one kind of baggage being anger (red), another addictions, as to anger, perfectionism, self-criticism, etc. (beer), while there evidently also at times would be healthy, nurturing things (groceries) in this bag, that might be cultivated more.

Meanwhile, in the real world my wife and I are making efforts to obtain a new pet terrier dog, and this possibility has been on my mind a lot. It has been about a year and a half since I needed to have our last dog euthanized as a result of her having become too badly disabled, under great stress, and no longer able to eat and drink without difficulty. I have missed the companionship of such a pet as she had become after over sixteen years. Despite the animals in the second scene being lions, perhaps that part of this dream is partly a looking ahead to a hoped for new friendship with our next dog.]

10/17/21 - Title: "Temporary Pet"

A young green anole lizard, about 4 inches long including the tail, is in our front room bathing in a small dish of water I had put out for it so that it would have something to drink while in our house. It has just part of its head and part of its tail out of the water.

[I wake up and realize it is just a dream. We actually do have an anole living in our house and were unsuccessful in catching it and putting it outside, where it might have found its own water. It came in, I think, by accident, but now is stuck here till it either dies or gets back outside. Though this was a dream, it is true that I'd found minor debris floating in the water I had put out for the creature a couple days ago, suggesting it may have drunk from or bathed in the dish supply recently.]

10/21/21 - Title: "Monster"

I am rapidly collecting and imprisoning poisonous snakes. A moment of silence and respect occurs outside and then I see why, a giant snake, easily 15-feet in length, but quickly notice this reptile is safely penned up. Then something happens that allows the reptiles to get out of one enclosure. The giant snake had been in a double enclosure, though, and still remains inside one large pen, to our relief, mine plus the that of others around us, including a young boy, a small dog, and others in the background. The monster snake cracks into its pen with great force, slamming into the pen's sides. For a shocking moment I think the snake is free, but no, the infrastructure has held, and for now we are safe. I go to find people to safely recapture the snake and take it far away.

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