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January, 2003

1/28/03-Chicken struts scalpel sand silk sugar moth stain pipe meter cleaner stream cephalic neuralgia tied tongue less wit than lighter air principle catechism curtailed chinese braid cut cheese herring bone bow stars cat gut string condiment theory mustard right plane buoyant currents false hare snowfield animation waste pepper treated wood duck bustard beak bleak beard wind tunis teeth dragon peaks grave gutter spider gel overcome sinecure opprobrium aquarium odor final flow firefly glow...

1/14/03-Bleeding meat raw red slowly oozing from a dozen wounds the blows though continue to rain down the body barely conscious now puffy-eyed and swollen slack-jawed where that bone was fractured ligaments torn split lips teeth smashed loose pulpy frothy blood in the mouth crushed glasses and nose one ear torn half off sticky old plasma and corpuscles serve for hair lotion disheveled the wild look the punching persists methodically yet energetically still there are so many forms of resistance to be overcome clothes neat at first ribs protective of vital inner organs kidneys cranium femurs pelvis genital protrusion feet yet conforming to a vaguely human model each proclaiming the audacity the gall the deviant evil of its bearer and necessitating that by repeated impacts with head butts fist hammered blows knees vehemently hurled into the groin boot stamps upon the shins the tarsals and metatarsals or rock and brick bashes upon the recalcitrant flesh and wicked upstart skeletal orbs and structures he be brought to righteous ruin and compliance how dare the bastard he must learn a grim lesson I shall teach him and banish his despicable rebel tendencies his very existence so threatening to my divinely ordained and manifestly destined and enlightened free leadership so righteous perfect persistent and status quo from which all that detracts is terror and deserving of whatever punishing pain I decide and deliver so help me god...

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