November, 2010: 11 14
Disclaimer - IMPORTANT - Read this first!
Investor's Journal is a diary focused strictly on investments and personal finance issues, primarily from a contrarian and retiree point of view. Follow along with an average guy's failures and successes as he learns, by trial and error, the fine art of value investing.

11/11/10-Since the last entry, there have been no new portfolio sales or stocks ready for sale among assets followed here. So, no redemptions are indicated at this time.

It is true, however, that there are now a few of our Ben Graham type assets which have gained 50% or more. However, all remain within reasonably low P/E or low P/Bk parameters and/or continue to have five stars, in the Motley Fool CAPS rating system, and so they appear to still be reasonable as holds.

My top-five current low price to earnings stocks are: AIRT; CSKI; JGBO; MU; and TER.

I caution that, though some of them have fallen enough to look like good deals (even taking their extra risk into account), several China stocks, like CSKI, are under a cloud due to indications of false financial information having been presented about their companies. Indeed, were it not for this factor, I likely would have chosen CSKI as my top selection this time. The reader is advised to do especially good due diligence before purchasing when the companies concerned are based in countries with which we do not yet have strong and longstanding ties upon which we may rely with regard to the veracity of the financial stats.

If one exists, the Chinese equivalent of the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission may not be carrying out its duties with the care investors should expect. (Of course, in recent years we have seen that this is true of the SEC as well, but to an extent anyway that is being corrected.) One may hope it is still safe to point this out in a public forum. In recent months, Chinese hackers have been discovered attacking and/or altering the content of blogs whose commentary is less than favorable toward The Peoples Republic. It may not be wise to forget that, though growing rapidly and substantially bankrolling America through difficult economic times, China remains a Communist dictatorship and as such may not always be the best place for big or little capitalists to put much of their hard won funds or faith.

My favorite among the above cited stocks is Teradyne, Inc. (TER) (recent price $11.80). It meets Benjamin Graham's bargain stock safety and value criteria.

Teradyne, Inc. will be added to our nest egg at its market price early tomorrow morning, 11/12/10.

11/14/10-Since the last entry, there have been no new portfolio sales or stocks ready for sale among assets followed here. So, no redemptions are indicated at this time.

My top-five current low price to book value stocks are: CPSL; HQS; JGBO; PLAB; and SYMS.

My favorite among them is Photronics, Inc. (PLAB) (recent price $6.16). It meets Benjamin Graham's bargain stock safety and value criteria.

Photronics, Inc. will be added to our nest egg at its market price early tomorrow morning, 11/15/10.

Disclaimer and Disclosure Statement
Much as I'd love it to be otherwise, I receive no payment of any kind for disseminating investment information unless, by some fluke, millions of folks, on the strength of these entries, start buying shares of stock I own, a possibility only slightly less likely than our being destroyed by a large meteorite. Do not follow any suggestions made in Investor's Journal as if I were a professional.

Neither I nor Investor's Journal will be responsible for losses by anyone who obtained ideas from this site.

This diary is intended for personal interest and general information only. You are advised to do your own research (as well as to consult highly compensated professionals) before spending money on anything.

I know of no reason anyone should take my financial musings seriously. At best I am a dedicated amateur providing a bit of investment-related insight and entertainment, at worst an amusing diversion.

My wife, Fran, and I may at times own shares of some of the assets mentioned here. But neither of us receive any benefit from reference to them, unless you count the mutual misery when we get it wrong, or the opportunity to gloat when we get it right.

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