
February, 2017


2/2/17 - Title: "Almost Done and with Convenient Options"

[Although in reality I later completed a two-year masters degree program in a timely manner with all A's, in this dream...] I am once again failing to finish the last coursework I need to get an undergraduate degree. The setting is a large college campus. Am at times walking outside in the university area. At other times am in one or another of the buildings.

There is an area, near a big campus building, where there has been a flood, the waters from which have not yet fully retreated, so it is no longer feasible to reach the building and its entrance from that direction. At one point, I go to the main campus headquarters building. There I am on the second story and go to see a young professional advisor lady who reassures me I need only finish the one more course, and that I could take it in any number of ways and be done with my undergrad degree. For instance, I might take it in the upcoming summer school session or during a regular semester next fall, yet in hours convenient to my work shift schedule. It is not even a very difficult course, so I can plan my schedule so as to just do it in an easy manner. Then by simply showing up and doing a small amount of homework, I could get the needed credit and at last be done with this requirement and my degree.

While in the main building, I see my brother Ron or someone who looks very like him. He is young, college age, but is in a black suit with a white shirt, evidently going for an important appointment, and I wonder if he is there to see an adviser as well, but he soon departs and does not see me. Am not certain it is he, so do not yell out a greeting.

Later I am in a long line with college age students and, as I am older and they are enjoying chatting together (so it does not seem to matter to them how fast the line goes down), they insist I go ahead to the front. It is not clear if this is a cafeteria line or the one to see a university official about how to graduate.

In another scene, there is a very urban setting. Here are busy, sort of modern highways downtown, and I am going, I think, for some take-out food for me and my (actual) wife, Fran.

In yet another scene, I am talking with my first boss in the last state job I had, Harold. He is quite friendly and offers me a new job, working around 4-6 hours a day (in sales, I think) that would readily accommodate my finishing the last course during otherwise free time.

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