
February, 2018


2/16/18 - Title: "My Choice"

Scene One - I have been talking to Charlie Rose, not because he is interviewing me but just, briefly, because he and I are both starting over and not sure how to go about it. It is as though there's some kind of conference or workshop, and we meet informally here during a break. (In the dream) I see him as a one tune Charlie or a one trick pony, and I find it kind of boring and offensive, and soon use an excuse to stop talking with him and leave.

Scene Two -There is a woman whom I informally encounter here at the conference. This was the case with Charlie Rose too, but, unlike with him, she is warm, empathetic, curious about and interested in others, could easily be overpowering and dominating of our conversation but instead puts me at ease and shares about herself and her experience while also wanting to know and hear about mine in at least equal measure. Whereas Charlie still seems to be "finding himself" after a major disruption in his life and work, this woman never has "lost herself" and is carrying on in a mature way, happy to be a model, mentor, or facilitator for others, but she is just as at home, when that is not an apt role at the moment, to merely be living her own life, doing her thing just as she would wish for herself, not compelled (like Charlie Rose) by some inner insecurities to be interfering in and manipulating others' lives for her purposes.

[Of Charlie Rose, I'd say to me he is smart, a decent, though not great interviewer anymore, egotistical, used to being in control, kind of angry about what's happened to him, so that he's lost his power and influence, but with no willingness to take responsibility for his role in that. Obviously, the dream is saying there is this shadow part of me that has these overall not so terrific characteristics and is concerned about his status having been diminished, possibly also in for further decline.

The anima in this dream is a positive one, with qualities it would be good for me to cultivate instead of yielding, perhaps when under stress, to the approach of the Charlie shadow self.

It is important too that, unlike Charlie, I take personal responsibility for these not so endearing traits and accept changing them as part of the growth work there for me to do.]

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