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November, 2006

11/6/06-As if to underline a recent series of lessons about a certain type of non-doing a bee repeatedly checks out me and the inside of my car this morning as I sip coffee after cashing a check at the bank the windows are open to a soft cool breeze the sun's heat through clouds is a bit of a nuisance but not exceptionally so though temperatures are too great for taking puff along on this trip I am off next to a bulk and organic foodstuffs retail market for almonds cards and to help me avoid further cancer surgeries bioflavonoid tablets which for what they are worth I take daily along with lemon perhaps a different citrus plus aspirin or another blood thinner anti-inflammatory my two-day beard's stubble feels good against an itch on my hand at the place where not long ago a mosquito had chanced or intended to land a lady nearby out walking a tiny french poodle on a leash encounters a cute furry puppy at least equal in the filling of space but roaming free of all tethering and then the three together retrace the woman's steps gently a butterfly flies by unaware it is representing in its multiple forces or forms all of nature...

11/1/06-Multi-processed sandwich fare with double discount gas when you fill up with coffee puff wanted to come too but the wait would have been far too long and hot for her meeting matt for a movie christine dying and nothing to be done great horned owls nearby bizarre dream and what is a hebe text bee longing all are sinners here fran taking a nap with our best possible pet is there room left for the spirit oak leaves still green yet brown and yellow in from the edges halloween again left too much of sweetness where we dwell so much of wanting so little assured so much denial before we are cured to what confessed with what possessed the cylinders fly about in their engine block though it remains quite still disengaged even if for us outside all's frenetic it remains all quiet deep within...

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