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November, 2008

11/4/08-Held hers gelt her sparrow's call oak leaves tossed in breeze and mottled sunlight soiled wide-brimmed hat helicopter gunship raining down fatalities election day excitement norman rockwell art break lights whiff of dog dander going back to school library clinic museum catching mopping up shot for flu prevention esophagus sphincter failure tender mucus-covered pharynx overcast cathedral of sky large symmetrical hardwood tree crown fredericksburg for the holiday follies coffee acid radicals free allergic sinus flow eyelids falling lightning strikes often more or less in the same place mats bugs my spouse expert in the invertebrate photography taxonomy fields of dream hair loss covered by his baseball cap the osteosarcoma less painful now new grass green despite the drought only on the lowest brightest storm retention pond bottoms up held aloft by transformative winds siren loud flash of lights the big racing fire truck kitchen blaze escape with kids successful but losing her shop inventory contents of their newly refurbished home allen even on his birthday left alone with their children says he figures he is getting all his remaining karma out of the way in this one lifetime the last folks I knew who asked for this boon died young in great pain or watched their offspring go before them detachment serenity no matter what not easy to master no glory beauty fulfillment meaning purpose or comfort in death like a bit of fluff flying by and forever gone we are merely there then not there...

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