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February, 2007

2/12/07-Plastic blue deep shrimp basket discount tell you ride the bart transit tube traveling worm like through the earth raucous grackles dinosaur kin compete with the loud and heavy mourning roadway din fruit in light syrup cans old glasses grown accustomed to my face their ear hanging side pieces through the years gradually indenting groovy depressions in the skull gravity taking a more pronounced toll upon the skeletal frame and all that droops from it puff impatient for her next outing nonetheless incorrigibly extrovert prefers being cooped up to wandering alone a ghostly evanescence these wet burial grounds a twenty foot croc near here consumed more than thirty people mostly women who would visit its obscuring waters to wash too much is made at times of hygiene and laundered garments it would seem big changes are in prospect though the essentials remain the same grasshopper people squandering the natural riches of vast past ages with consequences predictable and harsh as usual the ants make out admirably a lot of eventual healing going on too late though for most lost in myriad cheesy subterranean colonies thick centers of teeming anaerobic life occupying every habitable recess and cavern unto scores of miles of hades depth their numbers rivaling those of their oxygen breathing cousins aloft unmoved by the tempestuous dramas of rarified upper sun loving regions the millennia blowing by as autumn leaves without haste they abide till like the opening of a global red tide bloom inevitably exploding again upon the surface of the sphere...

2/9/07-What is true beneath the flayed off layers of dead and dying flesh and all mystique of false personae there are of course the basic drives to which advertisers or politicians appeal of these and their consequences have we the right to feel either pride or shame do we even exist at all or are we simply the myriad automatic response programs playing out yet if one looks directly into another's face and we do not avert a mutual gaze there then perhaps actuality is conveyed six thousand million lives and stories in the merely human realm countless trillion words momentary insights feelings images memories sensations steps around and through it all is barter an exchange of value money even more pervasive than sex dollars by the gazillion and finally inevitably violence deadly implacable for its own sake utter mayhem shiva like with a crazed intent to destroy almost as though by love obsessed we inflict damage and pain to be more intimate if anything at least agony is real...

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