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March, 2007

3/13/07-Overpriced coffee house to let no outside food and drink seattle weather black swan mitchell green avant garde answers to everything we are high on dreams here warning that brownie will swell your prostate fran in dallas tonight puff upset with our fifth thunderstorm in two days the torrent's just swept someone away traffic stalled too late to take the other route the body not cooperating having my thirteen thousandth nervous breakdown...

3/5/07-Dust motes in sun shafts perhaps from distant shores and bits of formerly human flesh a thousand ten thousand years ago spring flourish blossoms buds and a million strands of launched spider webs wrist less sore the treatments effective of splint meds hot soaks or cold packs peoples' perceptions so diverse we live at times in different even foreign realms though seemingly more alike than not and in just one life a myriad diverse identities we may display already in a few hundred trips about the star current folks' circumstances are as distinguished from those of our ancestors as between royalty and commoner or an average citizen and slave how much in a little while may we appear alien to those who from us descend...

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