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April, 2005

4/26/05-Funny little puppy being a dog caricature intently watching my slightest new gesture or action yet alertly noticing too her fuzzy body tense with anticipation each wave of nearby leafy branches in a slight breeze fresh odor person walking by squirrel foraging in the adjacent turf or noisy iridescent black grackle singing and dancing to impress a mate a totality of life about her she paints kaleidoscopic art upon an inner landscape canvas then another and yet another moment by moment by moment unaware of what she does or that it is in any way particularly special that she is herself a gem of creation but this complete attentiveness is enervating her eyelids grow heavy soon reluctantly and resisting it she gives up the battle settles herself and like the leaf that bends lower under the weight of a raindrop till the bud of water simply falls away replaced by another sleeps and she the sun the tree's shade the people squirrels birds wind branches her warm soft body all are not less than perfect...

4/12/05-Twixt twilight and full darkness ominous sounds shapes crashing through her corpulent stubborn majesty reptilian brain's influence paramount as she functions on autopilot gentility and courtly love's veneer so sheer civilization a luxury optional dependent on the prevalence of a fragile confluence of favorable forces bird's cry an insect's rasping musical saw survival treks paltry entertainment till comes the pandemic inexorable change than which we are but organic bits flicked and thrown about flotsam on a tempestuous sea's heaving wave breasts beneath the smiles all cheerfully displayed we are measuring our friends for their final shrouds if it's to be they or me my knives in the night are sharp and swift I'll not at the will and for the good of my enemies voluntarily sacrifice life or values to fanatical tribal hordes let them take me if they can and only at the end of my very last stand...

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