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April, 2008

4/25/08-It was an older building multi-storied indeed it knew lots of stories to tell for instance there were tablets bestowed from on high or the incident as they fled when lot's wife though warned who would yet assert her will looked back turned to a salt pillar I knew not of these at the time myself but was grateful simply that the ancient tiny elevator yet worked to have trudged up or down that legion of antiquated staircases a daunting prospect even at my age then the elevator was made evidently for at most one large person this vertically traveling box which rumbled vibrated with but my modestly encumbering form leonard cohen singing from the dusty speaker of death alienation dirge-like at supper before I had come in for a bit more work here emily had served me her sexy tattoos festooning one arm bare to the shoulder her glance direct open curious inviting as if to say you know I have on no underwear in case it is of any interest I had barely gotten used to the frail near to dark elevator's peculiar jolting habits appearing more to jerk than cruise its way aloft when it came anew to a halt as the door slowly slid open there in the light was a voluptuous mid-thirties lass in fluffy net fabric poncho who smelling like a bouquet of jasmine promptly squeezed aboard I nonplussed retreated as far as possible toward the back our bodies though by the cramped space so compressed as the vehicle once again throbbed lurched groaned its way higher found themselves inevitably unbidden responding to the enforced intimacy speaking for us though we said no word only then embarrassed as I sought vainly to pull away did I notice some bit of velcro-like cloth at my front having snagged a fistful of her forward garment that it now held tight oh dear I thought trying gingerly to pull it free only making the matter worse she tried as well creating yet further excitation thereby a greater pressure of connection nothing for it but to remove the outerwear for in this state in any case we could never have exited the decrepit rising car now stopped though still breathlessly moaning as if gathering strength before a final valiant lunge off came her shift with a ballerina-like lift of hips arms bosom while I with far less grace did release and maneuver off my still stuck fast slacks but thus exposed as yet so proximate though our as if passionate betrothed threads were left out of reach sighing in a corner we could not for any amount have restrained ourselves further but without inhibition did open our last layers and physical persons completely to what they would so passed a further while till our conveyance at length achieved its ultimate height then it patiently waited till we having restored in a measure our separate dignities stepped forth upon a bright expanse at the topmost level...

4/21/08-Harried again hairy harry harrier airier again gain gainsay again my wife's sighing loudly again long day weekend new news newsletter let her again against her again let her let her against her hairy shrub again his again kiss again hairy her his again let him again kiss hairy against her let her let rub him again again soft sounds kiss sighing scything again let him let her again again kiss again louder loudly again stroke against her shrub wife long again against him against her kiss shrub let him shrub in again against her kiss let stroke her him again again again loudly loudly her him sighing kiss she rub loudly against again scything kiss again longing sighing...

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