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June, 2002

6/27/02-I believe in tender gum teeth jaw raucous toady serenade mercies a sloth-like motility and slowed agility in his cups the cold has touched his kidneys with an icy fire a storm passed through last night viper radar showed wind gusts to seventy with golf ball size hail some homes destroyed on the auction writer's block serpents he laughed engagingly a hollow tube with surface animations the breath coming out blue the liquid in the river lake as dark and thick as hippo shit orwellian two grifters out to sea rat puree paramecia power disney world "rose bud" it's all just one story after another followed by yet another what can you say fresh and true nothing...

6/20/02-Tempest tossed frigate loose gun balls rolling smashing about the deck already awash in tons of seawater sufficient sails up only to keep the craft from foundering in the storm sickness almost unto death hours interminable shouts unheard amid the general bedlam unheeded warnings men women overboard limbs lost carefully stowed loads unleashed shall we break up and go down will the misfortune have an ending or be ours blind in darkness black as pitch no surcease from our travail the wind if anything grows stronger bringing a battering vengeance st elmo's fire and hail final release meditations prayers and then at last an ebbing beneath the dark canopy of cloud a mere thread of violet light turns to widening golden a fresh and blessed dawning a saving day...

6/15/02-In the stillness one notices the smallest thing an odor long forgotten the taste of cooked sheep the feel of your dog's soft undercoat of hair a minute stirring of air dust motes in a column of sunlight a cluster bomb of pain neurons all firing at once at the tip of your nose finger penis a stretched muscle fiber a sensation of floating once extremely relaxed the voice of your father when you were three a bit of fluff tickling your face the feel of the bark upon a tree the gradations of fatigue and release leading to sleep...

6/12/02-In a large university amphitheater I am seated awaiting the first lecture with several score others a new semester a returning a fresh curriculum I see my old friend larry from afar hanging out with his current buddies he no longer associates with me I strike up casual conversations in a sociable way with others in the surrounding seats as we wait for class to begin then we get word there's been a change or mix-up we're all in the wrong place and hurriedly we walk over to another grand hall finding where we'll sit way in the back and off to one side on my right as I face the front I start to go near one of my earlier chair neighbors a smart attractive lady with whom I'd been talking but she seems to be part of a small group or clique of women a couple of the others of whom aggressively object to my joining them surprised and hurt I turn away find another spot several rows nearer the dais among some men a young middle eastern appearing and sounding fellow my now nearest companion the impression is we are to be studying law and physics or the laws of physics the professor comes by and we greet each other with so many students he'll hardly notice one in particular but it seems we've known each other before he asks if I've gotten the textbooks and I say yes and that I aim to finish the course this time but it is more stay the course as in a military campaign or an athletic competition than academic absently he wishes me well his large black robe billowing as he strides away self-importantly there's an expectant quieting and restraining of the restlessness the foreign student asks me how I'd known the educator and in subdued tones I begin to explain but the teacher is by this time behind the lectern the microphone on and tested the lesson commences...

6/6/02-Gaia surviving by her wits at length deeply sighed and opened her arms and legs to him the meteor miles across speeding faster than a ballistic missile plunged long and hard into the northern atlantic the thrust at once piercing and ultimately titillating her mountainous breasts shook her low lying loins creamed with lava upwelling from her core the atmosphere through all its latitudes and longitudes its thin coldnesses and thick hotnesses screamed her climax the seas rose and rolled over europe the americas the arctic icecap her limbs shuddering with pleasure shook the great african plains wrenching exposing their rift valley to the tempest sundering forever its vast eastern boundary following its sister madagascar's issue a new island appearing yet in the southern pacific the energy of that overpowering penetration finds its sweetest expression all round the plate the pressures building to explosive dimension at last an incandescent mass broader thicker and higher at its full extent even than that of the australian emergence before with the fanfare of the final times another continent was born...

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