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June, 2004

6/8/04-So muggy his glasses keep fogging the cute but untrained dog's irritating loud bark her feces collected bagged from their walk stinking even through the double-wrapped plastic drugged with recent insufficiency of rest the coffee thin acidic weak his shirt wet with rain the noise of the AC coming on again the VCR ceases one program pauses begins another the female nature if any genes of a mother or just talk full his lips upon her nipples chest slurping the warm liquid a million million drops the high-pitched cries of their backyard birds valleys hills plains rivers of abstracting words she pulls down his zipper and probes searching for hidden life within her mouth works upon him dear god he thinks sweet jesus I must make her my wife childless years and fruitless tears a hundred thousand grubs beneath the surface of their sod their chinese parasol tree so high its trunk covered with white scale parasites between mars and venus lie a billion lights but too many fights living inside a bubble the walls are howling his stomach churning massage forgotten the tension in his shoulder like steel cables twisting twisting then bathing hot as he can stand settling slowly down into it classical music playing softly submerging all but the top of his face beneath the near scalding waters his ears slide under breathing simply breathing so blessed soaking remembering healing out of body stealing floating flying she appears disrobes and steps in lingering so over him her breasts swollen glide along his rising and settles herself upon him so still they rock and shudder together if this must be for all eternity just this or only for a moment before nothing is it enough a mosquito lands draws blood with her kiss is slapped away yet missed...

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