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July, 2008

7/16/08-The metronome foot setting the personal beat or keeping time with a distant drummer not enough hangers again carl on the road with a thirteen year old nephew whose mom committed suicide is retracing the steps of my last year's journey texas to montana nevada california seven thousand miles so far...

7/7/08-Potato and egg taco breakfast the little girl at the next table tells her dad she wants eggsnbaconagain the adjacent window panes and screen seem to play with the light as the breeze moves the wire mesh bending it into ghostly holographic images the frost and plastic of my water cup too magically capture distort the solar rays for awhile this morning consider fran I realize an encompassing identity that includes her and several others insight intuition or illusion people look 'round each in her his world selectively hearing seeing missing most over land half the sun's surface reaching energy now serves human ends who knows if there will be yet enough for plants animals left with but a dwindling share we are each particularities appearing to be bound by a host of circumscribing qualities and temporal spatial or event margins the original singularity still present unified outside any time or space and containing at once all possible happenstance location or loci in the fourth dimension as a singularity to be is to embrace all time all space all circumstance all possible interaction ever dying in the minutest aspects of the universe while ever being born anew into its full whelming splendor as the individual cell is a part of the whole body yet also at one with it or as the portion of a fungus we see may be but a tiny representation of an organism that could be miles across so we as particularities seem separate while also united at one with our fundamental undifferentiated singularity devoid of beginning end or discrete events...

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