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August, 2008

8/18/08-Overcast sky high rain chance sturdy heavy-duty silverware hardwood table hot chamomile tea hearty appetite short short jeans T-shirt interview for iraq job well paid large demand breakfast tacos stomach bloating china mist sugar long delay brother horace essay written for positive spin neglecting his seriously dark side a dangerous man taking a break from acupuncture kerbey lane cafe tennies without socks wet pavement inconsiderate neighbors drivers teaching nursing organizational emergency mission work doing what one is good at focusing on strengths inside one's sphere of competence translators at worst our lives here a picnic compared with afghanistan the sudan georgia currently the most hazardous places in the world the church community a whole other realm but it works too change may come through business corporate interests military diplomatic channels religious organizations private individuals international aid facilities journalism exposure sinusitis poaching scientific ventures agriculture progress not assured with increasing population the options are limited the risks growing subject to revision at any time like the weather lois meeting mom does this look like a lady is red OK for her face...

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