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September, 2006

9/25/06-Birds' call traffic noise puff's doggy breath at my left ear the smell of her warm wet mouth inches away shaving with occam's razor I'm nicked in five places cool the night before autumn in prospect a few extra pounds to drop from around my middle frances still lovely after sharing over two-thirds her wedding day age with this old fart alice interprets my dream as if it were her own to make me seem brilliantly creative yeah right a small prop plane flies over low in a day care center yard old glory gently waves a balding potbellied fellow engrossed in his cell phone chat walks about and smokes before the bank unconsciously gesturing as if communicating in person the pet whines in comforting her I accidentally write on my hat oh drat the sun oblivious of our fate on a not too distant date with time-lapsed drama heats earth's excess carbon dioxide and methane to incandescence a searing white flame appears in an instant spreads 'round above the world flash fire and a trillion trillion individuals turn to gas with a tiny constituent residue...

9/4/06-In a small pond hundreds or thousands of tiny newly hatched tadpoles black in filtered sunlight swimming near the surface...

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