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September, 2008

9/4/08-Early morning too little sleep blues a cool autumnal breeze so welcome workers hastily stopping for junky breakfast snacks coffee the yard needs mowing the car requires an inspection the financial records must be updated late september travels looming my dreams all forgotten the cheap machine vacuuming lifts the dirt off the carpet surface puts it into our air to breath and on our tables and counters where we eat still too we do our laundry at the coin-operated washer and dryer place down the street our young nephew in wisconsin has bone cancer his normal childhood curtailed surprise our car battery died on the reunion trip politicians again offer us money handout bread plus convention and media event circuses no genuine resolution of ticklish throat problems express train a time of declining of putting off of rationing of making do or doing without of working against instead of together of lies and propaganda of things getting much worse before they might get incrementally better of unnecessary wars and too few peacemakers of acting out and blaming everyone else of never ever going within a time of getting a bit ahead by walking on the heads and faces of others of large egos and smashing each other down our dog whom we loved more even than ourselves has gone missing nobody has seen her we are bereft...

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