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February, 2008

2/26/08-Waiting and doing fran car stuff and diary surprise she's fifty feisty and fun I've done this for years the laundry lady still talks incessantly on her cell phone groggy lacewing on the window sill chatting up a doctor's office manager at the donut shop this morning the characteristics of a survivor in a concentration camp indonesian brunch rare moments of relative peace in the din our god possessed of an ironically delicious sense of humor over half of respondents have changed religious affiliation or entirely ceased to believe the faith of their upbringing another record winter high ninety-two yesterday scientists surprised at the amount of methane released in siberia's melting tundra estimates always too low the depression era bottoms of southeast texas stock quotes first priority two day beard growth she's surprising her staff with a big box of sweet pastries possible nose cancer again a rattlesnake shakes its rattles faster than a hummingbird beats its wings cactus country flamethrowers used to singe off the needles so cattle can eat during the drought cholera malaria yellow fever on the rise this perfect absolute moment surprise my heart skips a beat caution contents may be very hot people may be very dumb a sudden insufficiency the contractions arise or they do not out of my control awaiting the thump-thump that surprise may never come...

2/1/08-You or your observer which is true mournful in the morning the nearby train whistle at 12:55 at last stilled the big neighbor dog's loud woof the wet duned sands after a brief storm upon this closest coast a V of waterfowl flying over low the clock ticking away our hours minutes seconds essence of apple juice a million sensory moments the lapse after a phrase stimulates mutual introspection a billion books turned to paper pulp floating in the flood to reach the latest tumors what is left after they have lifted off your face there are you...

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