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June, 2001

6/24/01-Mourning doves' soft songs gentle seeming breezes strong currents eddies cool temperatures more rain again mars at closest in its orbit to gaia in ours first new millennium total solar eclipse summer solstice out for a walk with the dog pepper attentive to my every glance and move warm chips and hot salsa with corkscrew motion a gopher snake slowly winds down his breakfast hole old folks' sex octogenarian affection hearts racing waves over rolling broken glasses disorientation fran in wisconsin infant laughter infection tall canines sniffing food off the dinner table super garage sale intense storm prize spruce trees toppled across power lines and lying in the road...

6/17/01-Married couple sitting together there once again at the morning eatery both heads down at first reading parts of the daily paper they could just as well have stayed home or gone apart for all their interaction she tentative alert slightly anxious pretty intelligent vulnerable looking about now reflective bored with fresh news meaningless to her day to day living smiles glances his way and offers smart amusing observations which he lethargic complacent entranced stodgy slouching ignores or reacts to only with mumbled distracted monosyllabic replies eyes compulsively locked onto small print less real than vapor and so their precious time passes intimacy avoided father's day no she decides intent unconsciously fingering her ring I do not want a child by this man wondering if it is her fault heart tearing eyes momentarily filling though he does not see she sighs flash of anger what will be...

6/2/01-Balance loins nether regions abdominal pains soft morning dove calls mating pairs dead snake lying beside the road new flea bite we seem though winning that long fight heart racing skip spacing shortness of breath like after a great climb many stairs and flights watching battlefield documentaries we are all present or future casualties windows open neighbor yells heard across the yards the vast sea storms damage incurred offered loving but she demurred high aloft tens of thousands of pieces of artificial space junk from dust particles to massive flotsam fragments the numbers soaring all the time frenetically whirling about the orb far above the vagaries of weather and clime in a billion years their residue may have formed into beautiful saturn-like rings and the remains of most everything organic morphed into other things the ozone hole over antarctica has become huge widened to over three times the size of the lower forty-eight stretching out far beyond the immense icy continent exposing the southern americas to extra radiation gaia a precise mathematical ever yielding always adapting submissive yet totally logical merciless weighing machine...

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